Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

I don't know what's going on, hun - I'm even doing more exercise getting to and from work, and been really good on the eating side - but there has been a bit of booze going down my throat, so that's probably the culprit.

Am going to knock all non-weekend drinking on the head, starting today, and have told all my friends I'm not going out during the week anymore.
see its alcohol. see tmy diary and my 6lb weight gain since friday - nothing illegal passed my lips it was all the drinking!!! im only going to drink on fridays !
It's the booze that's doing me in too Susie! I've been trying to get away with it by sticking to induction level carbs but I'm just going up and up. My too big trousers are now too tight!!
right girls lets make a pact. No drinking on school nights! do not let me drink on saturday - only friday if necessary! weneed to lose!
My gosh, 6lb gain. No wonder i've not been losing last week or this (usual sneaky look this morning). Thou shalt not drink on a school night also. I'm going to try it out of curiosity.
Right - after almost throwing out the baby with the bath water, I have given myself a stern talking to and I'm now back on STRICT induction, with WI tomorrow (although i'll celebrate with you all on Friday too :)).

I have really let myself slip so it's time to get uber organised - make my breakfasts, rather than weakening and buying carby stuff!
Yay baby!! Me & you both... lets support each other in our get back on track week. x
Susie - maybe try a protein shake first thing in the morning before you leave? It's not like eating but it should make you feel like you've had something, so you'll be less desperate at the end of the commute. You could make a sweet mim in advance and take it with you so you get to have a sort of pastry of your own once you get to the office. Train stations are the worst, everything is snacky, carby and looks delicious. I know I have to struggle with it every commute. I buy a cup of tea and have it very sweet, or a bacon roll and just eat the bacon if I'm desperate. At waterloo I might get a sausage muffin and just have the sausage. Find something that will hit the spot for you.

Don't be disheartened, and good luck.
Thx all you lovely people, it's so great to have your encouragement!

Rose - that's a grand idea, I have some shake stuff here. Am also going to try making bacon and eggs muffins (from Linzi's recipe) because my deep muffin tray has arrived :) Linz do you reckon I can make it without the cream?
Susie sounds like you've come to the right decision about going back on induction - it'll work, there might have been sneaky carb creep somewhere!

I also second, third, and fourth the idea that alcohol is a prime staller. With what I eat I should still be losing - carbs are still around 20g per day, but since I started back to alcohol (even though it's only ever at the weekends) I'm pretty much just maintaining on that. I COULD stop all alcohol and probably double my carbs, but I'm choosing not to, for now. ;)
Thx hun :)

Do you think I should give Mims a miss for a couple of weeks. I only have a savoury one once or twice a week - but maybe it's better to cut them out, I dunno...?
Dont say that Susie. I was hoping Id get away with eating mims coz theres nothing in them that should cause problems really.