Tez's 1st of Jan back on plan diary

Well spinning killed me. Started at 6, by 6.05 my backside was sore my lungs were raw and I felt like would pass out. It was awful. I could have cried. But I managed to keep peddling for 45 mins without stopping and I'm going back next week xx

WELL DONE!! So proud of you - you have such a great attitude - i would have slid off the bike and still be there today, you'll find it easier and easier as the weeks progress
Oh I hope so I was so uncomfortabl and sore and my hands were slipping off the bars but according to resources as long as I kept peddling I should have burned at least 400 cals so that's alright by me. Still dreading next week. Looking forward to tomorrow night class. Don't get me wrong I haven't exercised for years but I need this weight off. I'm not spending another summer feeling disgusting with my body xx
I know no one being pregnant as an excuse. I want to really plan my food for tomorrow before wi Saturday but got to be careful not to eat too little because of my exercise class xx
Yes 1 lb off thank you for asking, I'm not really sure if it's good or bad thing because I had a bad food day Sunday lots of pizza, and takeaway the Saturday too, plus I've been to exercise classes 3 times this week and people keep telling me I might show gains on the scales for the first couple weeks until my body gets used to the exercise then it should start to drop off. So given all the above I'm quite pleased. This week I'm 100 %, I haven't just eaten what I wanted today or guessed the points I'm tracking everything. I'm at classes 3 times this week too so really looking forward to next week wi I just hope I don't mess up xx
Yes 1 lb off thank you for asking, I'm not really sure if it's good or bad thing because I had a bad food day Sunday lots of pizza, and takeaway the Saturday too, plus I've been to exercise classes 3 times this week and people keep telling me I might show gains on the scales for the first couple weeks until my body gets used to the exercise then it should start to drop off. So given all the above I'm quite pleased. This week I'm 100 %, I haven't just eaten what I wanted today or guessed the points I'm tracking everything. I'm at classes 3 times this week too so really looking forward to next week wi I just hope I don't mess up xx

Well done, 1lb is great after that week. Xx

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Thanks, I'm a bit sore after walking for 1.5 hours yesterday up and down hill on uneven ground pushing a buggy on top of my legs hurting and stiff from Friday but it should all be worth it xx
So today, no exercise thank god. I'm aching all over.

I'm doing filling and healthy today.

Breakfast -
3 egg omelette, peppers, onion and cheese 2pp

Lunch/dinner -
Sunday dinner
Cauliflower, broccoli, swede, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, meat, gravy, Yorkshire puddings 6pp

Snacks -
Tea x 2 2pp
2 x hob nobs 4pp

I have 6pp left to use to day on none filling and healthy food xx
I could just scream, I'm so fed up. I hate everything at the minute :-( people, the house, work
I could just scream, I'm so fed up. I hate everything at the minute :-( people, the house, work

:( hugs, what's up? Don't let it affect your eating - if you can get through this patch you'll be ok :) xx

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Thanks, I'll be fine. No I won't let it affect my eating i feel really good that I have pointed everything this weekend, stayed on track and have points left over.
Hubby stressing me out, Jacks being naughty, works slow, I'm still shattered from 2.5 hours sleep on Friday even though I got 11 hours last night nearly, I'm getting fed up with my house and I've pulled a muscle in my arm it feels like it anyway xx
Big Hug Tez - Noah's been driving me mad - refusing to go to bed - sneaking back into our bed - hitting, shouting, throwing things, feel like I have shouted at him since i left work on thursday

No-one lifts a finger in my house and its drives me nuts - wish i could just ignore it like everyone else but i can't
Yeah that's the problem, I think Jack is starting to get a little Jealous of Naomi so he's getting in trouble a lot for pushing her out the way with his hands/feet and all she wants to do is play with him. I feel awful for shouting at him all the time. I think he's bored and bit too. Yesterday we took him for a walk around a big lake, had a picnic, went to the park which he enjoyed and today we painted and things. He was so good yesterday but naughty today but all today he has been shattered too which makes it worse. Is Noah usually like that or just lately? How old is he? Luckily Jack is pretty good at bedtime. Why doesn't Noah want to stay in bed? Xx
Noah's 3 (will be 4 in August), our Megan is 13 - she winds him up - which doesn't help - we call him Naughty Noah but he is good 90% of the time but ever since the clocks went forward, bedtime has been an issue - he has starting sleeping in our bed since Paul's Dad was dying of cancer, all attempts of getting him in his own bed failed until v recently - literally took me about 3 days of training - but then husband got the ump (with me) and let him back into our bed - I then put him back in his own bed got things back on track only for the clocks to go forward and him refusing to go to bed because its not dark. Tonight I put a dvd on while we were sorting out his room - so he was quite relaxed and after a kiss and cuddle he did go down without any fuss thank goodness

But he is really developing a temper - say no and he will grab the nearest thing and throw it on the floor - I'm just putting him on the naughty step and not giving in - tonight he didn't finish his dinner so no pudding - Paul (who had been fishing all day) was going to give in but one look from me and he knew not to

I have been taking Noah to a park every afternoon to give him a good run around - but i still end up shouting at him as soon as we return home ... sometimes a little voice is saying in my head "oh give it a rest, you are so boring, change the record - shouting isn't working", I rarely had to shout at Meg, she was so easy going, Noah is too he just has twenty times the energy she had at his age

How old are Jack and Naomi?