Gold Member
I'm convinced it's just boys! Mine is 3.5 and such a handful, my daughter is 5 and had her moments but was never frustrating like he is!
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Noah's 3 (will be 4 in August), our Megan is 13 - she winds him up - which doesn't help - we call him Naughty Noah but he is good 90% of the time but ever since the clocks went forward, bedtime has been an issue - he has starting sleeping in our bed since Paul's Dad was dying of cancer, all attempts of getting him in his own bed failed until v recently - literally took me about 3 days of training - but then husband got the ump (with me) and let him back into our bed - I then put him back in his own bed got things back on track only for the clocks to go forward and him refusing to go to bed because its not dark. Tonight I put a dvd on while we were sorting out his room - so he was quite relaxed and after a kiss and cuddle he did go down without any fuss thank goodness
But he is really developing a temper - say no and he will grab the nearest thing and throw it on the floor - I'm just putting him on the naughty step and not giving in - tonight he didn't finish his dinner so no pudding - Paul (who had been fishing all day) was going to give in but one look from me and he knew not to
I have been taking Noah to a park every afternoon to give him a good run around - but i still end up shouting at him as soon as we return home ... sometimes a little voice is saying in my head "oh give it a rest, you are so boring, change the record - shouting isn't working", I rarely had to shout at Meg, she was so easy going, Noah is too he just has twenty times the energy she had at his age
How old are Jack and Naomi?
Well done on ur loss yes u doing brilliant. Xxx
So today I did power hoop which I loved the class, couldn't get the hang of the hoop but will give it another go. I've been 100 % this week so far, I'm so pleased so looking for a good loss on Saturday xx
Yeah that's the problem, I think Jack is starting to get a little Jealous of Naomi so he's getting in trouble a lot for pushing her out the way with his hands/feet and all she wants to do is play with him. I feel awful for shouting at him all the time. I think he's bored and bit too. Yesterday we took him for a walk around a big lake, had a picnic, went to the park which he enjoyed and today we painted and things. He was so good yesterday but naughty today but all today he has been shattered too which makes it worse. Is Noah usually like that or just lately? How old is he? Luckily Jack is pretty good at bedtime. Why doesn't Noah want to stay in bed? Xx
My son is 3.5, He's a horror, his sister is so kind to him and he torments her, think it's just boys!
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My son is constantly climbing/emptying/destroying etc, I've just discovered OH's interdental brushes down the loo! ent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Ouch! hows the arm now? We did the whole dvd in bed thing before and it worked for about 3 nights and then he kept getting up and asking us to go and watch the film with him. I really think the sleeping problem is, in part, related to Paul being home - this week Paul is on earlies - so we've all been together all afternoon, he's been in bed asleep by 7 and stayed there for 12 hours, when Paul's on lates I wear him out - but if I don't get him in bed before 7 he fights the sleep so much and at the weekend he fights bedtime as wellHey hun sorry for they delay, I pulled a muscle in my arm couldn't really use my phone or anything. Maybe Noah will get used to chilling out with a dvd, I had issues with Jack wanting to go to bed but then we trialled a tv in his room, we put him to bed and hour and a half now he just falls asleep watching it good as gold. Hope Noah settles in his room soon though. I think Jack is just full of energy, it's hard to keep him entertained. Jack is 3 in June, Naomi is 1 in June xx
Great news sounds fun - good luck for big loss this sat xSo today I did power hoop which I loved the class, couldn't get the hang of the hoop but will give it another go. I've been 100 % this week so far, I'm so pleased so looking for a good loss on Saturday xx
lol! Noah's been doing this for ice lollies - I must have confiscated a lolly out of his hand that he has helped himself to this afternoon at least ten timesNaomi looks like she could grow into a right little devil, gets this look in her eye when you tell her no. She's currently screaming at hubby for more flapjack lol xx
LolSo you mean to tell me they don't grow out of it?! Lol xx