I dont eat chocolate but live the smell of it. But a love cream cakes and crisps. Was it awful gooooood x:p good luck for weigh in tomoz ya wee nudie lol :rolleyes:
I dont eat chocolate but live the smell of it. But a love cream cakes and crisps. Was it awful gooooood x:p good luck for weigh in tomoz ya wee nudie lol :rolleyes:

Ah here, how can you not EAT chocolate, thats just unnatural Flower :giggle: It was a fabulous use of 9.5syns & I enjoyed every bite :drool:

Did me ITN weigh-in & I'm down.................a massive 4.5lbs :D I'm normally a 1lb to 1.5lb kinda gal, so this is huuuuggggeee. Thrilled, spurred on for another week. Obviously all the insane walking in the awful heat that resulted in sunburn & near bloody exhaustion was sooo worth it!!!
Ah here, how can you not EAT chocolate, thats just unnatural Flower :giggle: It was a fabulous use of 9.5syns & I enjoyed every bite :drool:

Did me ITN weigh-in & I'm down.................a massive 4.5lbs :D I'm normally a 1lb to 1.5lb kinda gal, so this is huuuuggggeee. Thrilled, spurred on for another week. Obviously all the insane walking in the awful heat that resulted in sunburn & near bloody exhaustion was sooo worth it!!!

Either a good weight loss or you usually wear lead lined clothes for ur weigh in haha. Well done thats fab. I had a sneaky gold bar last night felt like a criminal sneaking around haha. I think ill just stick to breadcrumbs from healthy extras to coat my meat dusty batter does not sound appealing.
I bet you feel brill. Your amazing to lose all that in a week. I haven't weighed in yet, will let you know when I have dared to jump on the scales. I wont lose anything like your sack of sausages lol.well done again your a star x:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::D
Hi sw
When is your weigh in day.:)

My weigh in day is a monday but may change soon when i go back to work. Loved my 10 months off lol may have to keep popping kids out haha. Actually god no i put 3 and a half stone on this time round not doing that again in a hurry. I am worried about my diet when i go back though is it easy to juggle cos im not that organised haha
Have lost 1.5lbs. Not the same as you but still a wee loss :D

:happy096: Well done you, see a couple of treats didn't kill yeh :clap: That's a big loss when you consider you don't have too much to lose. Mine was a fluke, I'll never usually lose that much, just hope I keep it off for group next week.

I ended up in a coffee shop this morning, had a large-ish fruit scone with jam & cream, how the hell do I syn that??? I'll just put it down as 15 syns, though it's prob more & not syn again today.

U working again today Flower??
My weigh in day is a monday but may change soon when i go back to work. Loved my 10 months off lol may have to keep popping kids out haha. Actually god no i put 3 and a half stone on this time round not doing that again in a hurry. I am worried about my diet when i go back though is it easy to juggle cos im not that organised haha

Weds is a nice day to weigh-in Stacey, gives you a couple of days after the w'end to be good ;)

Invest in some lunch boxes, bring in prepared stuff to work will keep you on track. I'm not an organised person usually but I've just been making ait of time for me to prepare a few food bits, I keep them stacked in takeaway containers & it really helps me, quick & easy & I've often taken them with me, to bbq's & friends houses, people are getting used to me arriving with my little food parcel in tow, keeps me on track, I'm so determined this time, sick of being the fat mammy, the fat sister, the fat friend, the fat wife. I'm gonna find the "slimmer" me.

Ooops that turned into abit of a rant,hee hee:giggle:Hope you're having a good day!!
Get off that soap box gal my turn lol. I've been playing at this dieting now its time to go for it all guns blazing. Off to work armed with sw mags and baked pot and spag for t. Stepping down now someone else
Get off that soap box gal my turn lol. I've been playing at this dieting now its time to go for it all guns blazing. Off to work armed with sw mags and baked pot and spag for t. Stepping down now someone else

:flowers:Flowers for a Flower, you can sit later enjoy a guilt free lunch & drool over the clothes in the new mag. There's a guy in it does be on here alot, lost an amazing amount, looks fab.
On totty watch now are we lol. I cant complain my OH is in good shape and not too shabby so cant be to greedy now can i haha. On the other hand no harm in looking ;). Im also fed up of being the fat one lol but im mainly doing it so when my little one is tottling about i can keep up. Not fair on him if he has a mammy that cant play for too long. I should focus on the positives though. At my heaviest in pregnancy i was 20 stone. I was 17st 3lb before pregnancy so no slim picking. Now after givin birth home dieting now slimming world im 16st 11lb. Long way to go but a lot achieved so far