On totty watch now are we lol. I cant complain my OH is in good shape and not too shabby so cant be to greedy now can i haha. On the other hand no harm in looking ;). Im also fed up of being the fat one lol but im mainly doing it so when my little one is tottling about i can keep up. Not fair on him if he has a mammy that cant play for too long. I should focus on the positives though. At my heaviest in pregnancy i was 20 stone. I was 17st 3lb before pregnancy so no slim picking. Now after givin birth home dieting now slimming world im 16st 11lb. Long way to go but a lot achieved so far

I love nosing the magazine to see real people & see that they can do. I met a girl recently who was 11st, had been 22st, said it took her year or so to lose, I was hoping she wasn't gonna tell me it was tablets or a band, but no it was Slimming World, this was my first week on the plan & I thought well if she can do it & she looked amazing, keep watching the magazine, I'm sure she'll pop up in there some day.

I just take it in 7lbs chunks Stacey, coz I've 70lbs to lose, kinda off putting when you look at that number, so aiming for the smaller chunks.
I love nosing the magazine to see real people & see that they can do. I met a girl recently who was 11st, had been 22st, said it took her year or so to lose, I was hoping she wasn't gonna tell me it was tablets or a band, but no it was Slimming World, this was my first week on the plan & I thought well if she can do it & she looked amazing, keep watching the magazine, I'm sure she'll pop up in there some day.

I just take it in 7lbs chunks Stacey, coz I've 70lbs to lose, kinda off putting when you look at that number, so aiming for the smaller chunks.

My consultant looks amazing she was a size 28 at her biggest and now shes a dot lol thinspiration or what!
My consultant looks amazing she was a size 28 at her biggest and now shes a dot lol thinspiration or what!

Oooh really, I love that, shows it can be done. I went to WeightWatchers once where the consultant brought in her before pix, she had lost less than 2st, have to say it was far from inspiring to be honest. I know that's sounds terrible we all have our battles but hey I needed to be inspired, she didn't really know her stuff either.

There's a girl at my group I hadn't seen in about a year, I barely recognised her, frumpy to glam, great transformation.
Sw look at getting rid of the 11lbs first and get into the 15's. In 6 wks thats defo achievable. It's amazing how just 7lbs loss improves how u feel. Us girls will all stick together to get the job done.:):)
I dont think i would be too inspired if the person leading me had only lost 2st its a great achievement for her but not enough to inspire in my opinion. Yeh thats my mini goal lose the 11lb then my next is to be 99.9kg which is about 15st 3lb. Then to fit in a dress i bought to inspire me. Little steps lol
I dont think i would be too inspired if the person leading me had only lost 2st its a great achievement for her but not enough to inspire in my opinion. Yeh thats my mini goal lose the 11lb then my next is to be 99.9kg which is about 15st 3lb. Then to fit in a dress i bought to inspire me. Little steps lol

Seems more achievable alrite when you look at it in those terms. What color is your dress Stacey?Flower has a red one?I'll have to a root in the wardrobe & pick a target dress ;)
Its a royal blue with daisies on all floaty and pretty. I cant for the life of me decide what to have for tea. Got hungry at 3 and demolished some toast. Could have had better but i was just standing in the kitchen frustrated lol going from fridge to cupboard then back to fridge hoping something would magically appear. Gunna have to cook a pasta n sauce quiche theyre free so i could just snack on that. Apparently aldi do a chicken wrapped in bacon with cheese on thats half a syn
My dress is a sassy wee number. Dont know how to put pics on or I would. I think when I get to target I am going to buy some killer red heels to go with it.prob break my neck while dancing at the wedding lol:D
My dress is a sassy wee number. Dont know how to put pics on or I would. I think when I get to target I am going to buy some killer red heels to go with it.prob break my neck while dancing at the wedding lol:D

Ha ha ur mad, I have that song Lady in Red playing in me head :8855::whistle::doh:
Its a royal blue with daisies on all floaty and pretty. I cant for the life of me decide what to have for tea. Got hungry at 3 and demolished some toast. Could have had better but i was just standing in the kitchen frustrated lol going from fridge to cupboard then back to fridge hoping something would magically appear. Gunna have to cook a pasta n sauce quiche theyre free so i could just snack on that. Apparently aldi do a chicken wrapped in bacon with cheese on thats half a syn

Oh I must look out for that in Aldi. Dress sounds lovely :)

Not having a good day foodwise
Just had baked pot and spag for tea and will have a boring mullerlite to follow with fruit :screwy:

You're doing very good today foodwise, good on yeh!! Yeah they'll move the thread quick & leave a diversion up for 2weeks, so the noseys can still find it. It will always show up for us in the subscriptions.

Love ur Garfield, crazy cat like u missus:8855:

At weddings, I have an auntie & an uncle, it's always a toss up which one will fall over first !!