Had a wee titter hope u weren't hurt ouch. Ate said chow mein and feel super sick now.
I was out with a friend one night had too many dwinkies. I was leaning talking to her on one of those industrial wheelie bin things.
The brakes weren't on and I ended up in a bush. I pal couldn't move for laughing I knacked my coxyx. Silly mare we still giggle about it.:rolleyes:
I done that on a bus stop one time i went to lean against it thinking the plastic glass window was there and went straight through it. To make matters worse a good looking fella happened to help me up trying not to laugh. Im still mortified to this day haha safe to say i drive everywhere now
Ah Stacey hope ur ok.Tis no joke,sore coccyx,I've damaged mine 3 bloody times,twice really bad,took bout 9mths to heal,worse than childbirth & nowt can be done.

I can imagine Flower in a bush with just legs sticking out,I'm getting a comical view of u my friend ?

Off loaded the kids at a birthday party today,so hubby & me sneaked off to favourite lunch spot,had carrot soup with garlic bread to start,then a Vesuvius pizza,I was very good & passed on dessert.I'll be existing on fresh air & water for the rest of the evening to try counter-act all those syns,but 'twas luvverly.
I done that on a bus stop one time i went to lean against it thinking the plastic glass window was there and went straight through it. To make matters worse a good looking fella happened to help me up trying not to laugh. Im still mortified to this day haha safe to say i drive everywhere now

Near psml there,ah youse two are gas?
Morning back at the grind till 2pm. Had a dream about someone trying to blow me up last night woke up exhausted. I hve some weird dreams. I levitate a lot in my dreams, must mean something :confused::)
Morning back at the grind till 2pm. Had a dream about someone trying to blow me up last night woke up exhausted. I hve some weird dreams. I levitate a lot in my dreams, must mean something :confused::)

Morning Petal :) Levitating, sure why am I not surprized, ur wired to the moon, hee hee:D Think it's the heat, I'm having weird one's as well. I dream of doing extreme stuff, rollercoasters, ski-ing, mad stuff. Gotta get the dream book out hun.

Don't work too hard hun XX
I always dream of the baby and whatever im doing in my dream i do it to my partner haha i always dream the baby is rolling off the bed and ill restrain my fella. Ive had dreams of snuggling with the baby and ive been stroking fellas hair. Feeding dreams im prodding martin in the face lol. Just hope i dont have a dream im changing the babies bum :/ or have one that im breastfeeding, martin will think its his birthday haha
I always dream of the baby and whatever im doing in my dream i do it to my partner haha i always dream the baby is rolling off the bed and ill restrain my fella. Ive had dreams of snuggling with the baby and ive been stroking fellas hair. Feeding dreams im prodding martin in the face lol. Just hope i dont have a dream im changing the babies bum :/ or have one that im breastfeeding, martin will think its his birthday haha

Ha ha Stacey, mad. Have you ever woke up in a panic thinking you've lost the baby under the covers, I have & the the baby would be in her own room, I blame those dreams on broken sleep & sleep deprivation. I have dreams I'm back in school sitting exams, but my kids are always with me.