Having dry roast potatoes with a sage rub with roast beef and gravy and veg. And naughty pud of pancake and ice cream :mad:
Its tom sweets. Im like a hungry hippo. We will up the excersise for next wk and set each other challenges. :D
Todays challenge if you choose to accept is to walk up and down any flight of stairs ten times. Thought for today..... I CAN BE SLIMMER:D:D:D
Todays challenge if you choose to accept is to walk up and down any flight of stairs ten times. Thought for today..... I CAN BE SLIMMER:D:D:D

Done:DI've been up & down the stairs like a blue-arsed fly,putting away the washing & ironing.

Climbed back on the wagon, had a big brekkie, have chicken noodles leftovers for lunch & chilli & SW wedges planned for dinner, water & fruit all day, no syns if I can for next couple of days, damage control;)
Hiya just got in from a busy day. Put 1.5lb on god damn it lol but ive been a bad girl this week. I will accept todays challenge and do it tonight! How are you two today?
Yes and yes. Finish work at 9.30 tonight and im off tomoz for our anniversary. Going to weigh in tomorrow morning as going for an indian tomorrow night wiv me man.:p
Speaking of spicy foods im havin sechzuan noodles curried style with pakoras all for half a syn. Shame i have to cook it and wasnt rich to hire a chef lol