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  1. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday B'fast Bran crunchies (b) Milk (a) Hifi bar Lunch Roast chicken carrots, broccoli, brussel sprouts, parsnips, 1 small boiled potatao, gravy (2) SW apple betty with raisins (2), low fat greek yog spoonful of low fat custard (1?) 2x satsumas
  2. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) bacon all fat removed egg small wholemeal wrap (syns?) ketchup (1) Lunch Met friend and ate in Zizzi, wasn't the nicest meal I have ever have, in fact v poor! spaghetti with tomato sauce and side salad 2 slices garlic flat bread (syns??) Fredo (5)...
  3. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    WI sts still 10.07 1lb under target, but last WI before NEW YORK!!!!! Stood on scales this morning (Sunday and said 10.06.02! What is the 2oz all about!?)
  4. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday B'fast Weetabix (b) Milk (a) 2 x satsuma Lunch left over home made tomato soup apple 2 x satsuma 1 laughing cow light blue cheese (1.5) hifi bar (b) Dinner left over spag boll fredo (5) 1 kitkat finger (3)
  5. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk (a) sastsuma x 2 Lunch pasta and sauce cheese and broccoli flavour, with added broccoli apple plum Dinner going to the cinema with my mum this eve so think we are going to Prezzo, will proably have one of there 'Healthy Options' light pasta's with...
  6. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thanks Emmaline!! You will get there, slow and steady wins the race!!! x
  7. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday B'fast puffed wheat (b) milk (a) 2x satsuma Lunch homemade tomato soup, 1 laughing cow blue cheese light (1) plum x 2 apple cucumber and carrot sticks muller light 2 x alpen light bars (b) drumstick lolly (2.5) snack a jack curls (5) Dinner spaghetti with home made veg sauce...
  8. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday B'fast Weetabix (b) Milk (a) Lunch 2 x plums 2 x satsumas apple Asda Giant CousCous - Moroccan flavour (0.5) hifi bar Dinner pasta, mushrooms, onion, courgette, peas, low fat fromage frais, philly herb and garlic light (a) 1 finger kitkat (6)
  9. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) Lunch 1 and 1/2 WW sausages, 1 dry fry egg, cherry tomatoes and mushrooms hifi bar (b) breakaway bar (5) muller light 2 x satsumas Dinner chicken casserole made with a tesco soup mix packet! 2.5 new potatoes (4.5), cabbage muller light plum 2 pieces...
  10. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday - B'fast woke up early and had, Bran crunchies (b) milk (a) later had 2 slices ww bread (b) dry fried egg, 2 bacon rounds all fat removed, ketchup (2) Lunch Baked potato with beans and 1 quorn sauage (1) small side salad 2 finger kitkat (6) Snack a jack curls (4.5) Dinner quorn mince...
  11. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thanks! You are right, I want more!! I have come from 13stone, so set my target at 10.8 as that is what I was 2 years ago, am thinking of trying to get nearer to 10 so I can allow myself a bit of a buffer.
  12. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 10 stones trying to get into the 9's??!!

    WI - lost 1lb 2oz, taking me past my target! (only by .5lb!) can't believe it! Now 10.07.02 means I have lost over 2.5 stone!!! In shock!
  13. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    WI - so lost 1lb 2oz, so now weigh 10.7.02!!! Very pleased have got to target, now to have a think and readdress a few things.
  14. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday B'fast Puffed wheat (b) milk (a) Lunch chopped carrots satsuma x 2 apple mug shot Dinner vegetable stir fry with quorn chicken and noodles, home made sauce (2)
  15. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - B'fast 2 x bolied eggs 1 x satsuma Lunch left over veg and quorn curry 2 x satsuma 2 x chopped carrots celery sticks Dinner hifi bar (b) bolied egg Mince Meat Hash from Bella mag - quorn mince, potato, carrot, borvil, tin plum tomatoes, chilli, herbs served with cauliflower and...
  16. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) Lunch Home made tomato soup, with blended beans, carrot and celery plum satsuma apple muller light Hifi Bar (b) Dinner vegtable and quorn chicken curry with mushy peas and rice kitkat muller light exl mayo (1) mango chutney (2.5)
  17. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday B'fast Bran crunchies (b) Milk (a) apple Lunch mug shot celery sticks 1/3 of a yellow pepper sliced 2 x satsuma 2 x plum Dinner drumstick lolly (2.5) darn those trick or treaters for leaving them!! mashed potato with some low far froamge frais, broccoli, baked beans and 1 quorn...
  18. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    You have to allow yourself birthday treats!!! I am sure after I get back from New York I will be looking at a hefty gain!
  19. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday B'fast weetabix (b) milk (a) 1 plum 1 satsuma Mid Morning Mug shot Lunch small portion of left over spaghetti with vegetables apple 1 laughing cow blue cheese light (1.5) satsuma muller light carrot and celery sticks Dinner Hifi Bar (b) pasta with mushroom, leek, courgette, garlic...
  20. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday - went to my mums for lunch which is 2 hour drive from ours so kind of a treat esp after my loss, back to 100% tomorrow. B'fast Bran Crunchies (b) Milk (a) 2 x satsuma 2 x plum Lunch Roast beet 1 roast potato 1 roast parsnip carrots Brussel sprouts cauliflower desert spoon of gravy...
  21. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk (a) satsuma Lunch low fat super noodles 2 x plum 1/2 bag of tesco carott sticks 2 finger kit kat (6) alpen light bar Dinner tapas - was not great, went out for oh's Dad's birthday food and service shocking!! had a large salad, and shared, meatballs...
  22. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Your not far off either!!! :)
  23. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 10 stones trying to get into the 9's??!!

    2lbs 1 oz off!!!! taking me to 4oz off my inerim target!!!!! excited!!!
  24. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    WI - lost 2 lbs 1 oz!!!! Taking me to 4oz off my target!!!!! Can not believe it!!!!!
  25. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk (a) satsuma Lunch left over spaghetti and quorn meatballs muller light with raspberries apple Dinner stirfry veg with noodles, quorn chicken pieces, homemade sauce with oyster sauce, ginger, garlic, chilli, worcestor sauce, soy sauce and drop of...
  26. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Hope you had a great b'day and enjoyed the treats! x
  27. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - B'fast porridge (b) made with water and milk (as no milk left, wasn't too bad actually!!) satsuma Lunch apple x 2 satsuma hifi bar (b) 1 laughing cow blue cheese light square (1.5) Dinner Vegtable and mushpea curry with chicken (a) rice exl mayo (1)
  28. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - GREEN B'fast Weetabix (b) Milk (a) Mug Shot Lunch Home made Carrot and Coriander soup 2 x scan bran (2) 1 baby belle light Apple Satsuma Dinner Planned - Quorn meatballs and spaghetti, sauce made with passata, mushrooms, courgette, carrots, onion, cherry tomatoes, chilli...
  29. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 10 stones trying to get into the 9's??!!

    Another week of sts - am glad, but sad as I know this week will be a gain as went to Alton Towers at the weekend and ate chocolate, ice cream, chips, pringles....need I go on!!?? Was ok as was a planned 2 days off plan! So I don't feel guilty just know what I have to do to bring it back on board...
  30. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B'fast Weetabix (b) Milk (a) Apple Fibre Plus bar (b) Lunch baked beans and smash apple satsuma muller light mandarin (0.5) vegtable asian rolls from M&S (2) Dinner Cottage pie, made with quorn, baked beans and sweed and carrot topping, green beans and broccoli, 2 babybelle...
  31. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    WI - sts same 10.10.05!!! Expecting a gain this Saturday though as weekend was considerably bad, we went to Alton Towers with friends and was near impossible to stick to plan and to be honest think I was secretly glad!!! Isn't that naughty of me to have had an excuse to eat chips!!! ;-) Hey...
  32. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - WOOP WOOP WOOP!!! GREEN B'fast wheatabix (b) milk (a) pineapple fingers plum satsuma Lunch Home made carrot and coriander soup 2 slices ww bread pineapple muller light satsuma apple Dinner tbc - prob pasta as we are going to a 40th b'day party this eve so have to be a quick one
  33. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - woo hoo nearly end of week!!!! GREEN B'fast shredded wheat (b) milk (a) Hifi Bar (b) Lunch couscous (0.5) and stir-fry veg activia snack pot fat free Dinner quorn chicken nuggets x 5 (2.5), SW roast new potatoes, cabbage and leek, baked beans, exl mayo (1) Hifi Bar (6) 2 finger...
  34. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) Lunch Leek and potato soup (homemade) 2 slices of ww bread (b) apple muller light Dinner hifi bar (6) 3 pieces of dark choc with orange - lindt (6) Soup with noodles and greens chicken (a) veg muller light high lights mint choc (2)
  35. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    It seems that way, would like a loss over next month though as off to New York for my birthday in November and am planning on being off plan for the whole time as I have never been to the USA before am going to allow myself to go as mad as I like!!!
  36. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday B'fast OH made me porridge bless him but clearly did not measure out the oats!!! So going to have to use it as 2 x HB for today milk (a) Lunch baked potato and baked beans celery sticks muller light yellow and red raspberries apple Dinner quorn meatballs with veg and tomato sauce and...
  37. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - EE B'fast weetabix (b) milk (a) satsuma Lunch baked potato, exl mayo (1), carrot, soya beans and raddish side salad from Waitrose plum melon, mango and pineapple pot from Waitrose muller light Dinner Mushy pea curry, with lots of veg and some left over roast chicken with rice...
  38. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday and Sunday - from memory so wont account for odd bits and pieces I know I snacked on this weekend as my brother and his wife came down. I was rather off plan Sunday in-particular not sure why but felt sick for it. Hate feeling out of control now days. Saturday bran crunchies milk...
  39. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    STS - think I need to mix things up a bit or maybe have less syns - although I think I will struggle as find it hard to stick within 15 as it is most days!!
  40. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - GREEN B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) banana Lunch Pasta n sauce mushroom and chicken flavour with added 0% fat greek yogurt, mushrooms and broccoli Rhubarb muller light (0.5) apple satsuma
  41. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 10 stones trying to get into the 9's??!!

    Was back at 10.10.05 -2lbs on Saturday, but had been unwell so thinking was a false reading!! Have been v good and not stood on the scales this week (so far) am am going to try to resist the urge tomorrow morning and hold out for WI Saturday!!! Should really hide the scales mid week!!!
  42. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - RED B'fast weetabix (b) with strawbs milk (a) Lunch - was meant to be having lunch with client but got cancelled to had buy in so, cooked chicken and a superfood salad from M&S satsuma plum x 2 Dinner - meant to have been Lamb Steaks - but left them in the fridge at work...
  43. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

  44. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    good luck for WI today.
  45. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - GREEN back at work today after being off sick since Friday. B'fast bran crunchies (b) with strawberries milk (a) Lunch mug shot Chinese flavour baked potato and beans plum x 2 Dinner quorn meatballs and spaghetti sauce made with courgette, onion, garlic, passata, tomatoes...
  46. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B'fast weetabix and strawberries (b) milk (a) Lunch 2 slices ww bread (b) beans and veg sausages, 1 egg dry fried grapes pack of melon from tesco plum piece of dark choc and ginger (3) 1/2 a small bourbon (1.5) muller light Dinner quorn and lentil cottage pie, mash made with...
  47. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - GREEN B'fast fruit salad, 3 x plums, pineapple, grapes, satsuma Lunch home made leek and potato soup satsuma grapes 1 ww biscuit (4.5) Dinner pasta with cherry tomatoes and chilli sauce HA cheese muller light and strawberries
  48. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Lost -2 - yeay!! but not been well so not 100% convinced is true reading!! Still I'll take it! 10.10.5 now
  49. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - B'fast Porridge (b) milk (a) Lunch left over soup from yesterday apple pineapple 2 x oranges Fibre plus bar (b) Choc buttons (8) Dinner quorn and veg lasagne with salad cheese (a)
  50. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday B'fast porridge (a and b) Lunch - left work as was feeling so grim, made myself some soup - had a pack of pre chopped butternut squash and sweet potato, added onion and chickpeas, herbs and chilli, oxo chicken stock cube simmered then blended with low fat fromage frais had a large...
  51. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday B'fast weetabix (b) milk (a) Fibre Plus Bar Lunch home made leek and potato soup apple muller light Dinner SW pesto from Free Food recipe book and tagliatelle salad raspberries and muller light 3 pieces of dark choc (6) high lights mint flavor (2)
  52. cnicolaf

    The really slow loss team!

    Thanks Pommette! I think you are right, I think where I am is a good weight for me and of late although not lost lbs must have lost inches as clothes that didn't fit, now do!! Might take your advice next week if this week sticking to plan does not help shift anything!!! Have no major plans...
  53. cnicolaf

    The really slow loss team!

    sts for the past 3 weeks grrr!!!! is all down to weekend indulgence and sabotage!! seems like these last 4lbs just don't want to shift at all ever!!!
  54. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - RED B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) fruit salad 2 spoons of left over syn free rice pudding (2) Lunch salad, egg and mushroom muffins kind of followed the recipe from the SW website (1) cottage cheese, scan bran apple Dinner Birds eye baked to perfection haddock (4) mashed...
  55. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - B'fast weetabix and strawberries milk 2 x scan bran apple Lunch couscous - tesco packet lemon and coriander and salad M&S Asian Wrap things (1) melon muller light 2 x scan bran dipped in coffee! apple Dinner pasta with roast cherry tomato and chili sauce - made with onion...
  56. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    So weekend went out for Dinner Saturday night with friends and ate sensibly all Saturday and chose steak and salad for dinner so all within plan bar the wine and vodka. Sunday had on plan breakfast, but then ate packed of crisps, chocolate biscuits, chocolate cheese cake and so on... On the plus...
  57. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    STS - good I guess considering the hen weekend and all the crap and booze I consumed. x
  58. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - GREEN B'fast 2 x boiled eggs ww bread toasted no butter (b) raspberries and blackberries with vanilla muller light Lunch Baked potato, beans, salad apples x 2
  59. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - GREEN B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk (a) apple Lunch salad and tuna with spring onion and sweetcorn, exl mayo (1) and low fat fromage frais, 2 x hard boiled eggs using the tuna as my other HB today apple blackberries and raspberries with vanilla muller light snack a jack curls...
  60. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - GREEN B'fast omlette ketchup (0.5) 2 x alpen light (b) Lunch Bag of microwave vegetables 2 x quorn sausages blackberries and raspberries with low fat natural fromage frais apple x 2 muller light mandarin (0.5) Dinner quorn meatballs, courgette, peppers, mushroom celery, onion...
  61. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tueday - GREEN B'fast Beans on 2 slices WW toast (b) Lunch left over veg curry with couscous apple melon and grapes snack pot from m&s muller light Apple x 2 handful of grapes Dinner quorn cottage pie, topping made with mashed carrot and swede, celery, onion, cabbage, peas, baked beans HA...
  62. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - GREEN B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) grapes Lunch mug shot pineapple, melon and mango sticks apple x 2 Dinner butternut squash, courgette, new potato, peppers, tomatoes, chickpea and leek curry with rice and some low fat natural fromage frais. muller light nectarine bite of a...
  63. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    So weekend was rather out of my control, we were staying in a house in the Middle of the Cotswolds and the bridemaids had done the food shopping - not one thing green or fruit based in sight!!! I had an apple in my bag from Friday and that was about it!!! Dire. Yesterday traveling back took me...
  64. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    The Wraps are from Marks and Spencer - deee-lish!!! And only about £2/3.50 I think!!
  65. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - not sure as off on hen weekend this evening so no idea what dinner will be.... B'fast weetabix and strawberries (b) milk (a) apple Lunch 2 x satsuma 3 Ginger Beef wraps and 3 Asian salad wrap with a sweet soy dip (which calculates just ½ syn for the WHOLE pack of 6 on original or...
  66. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - GREEN B'fast weetabix (b) milk (a) Lunch left over bake from last night banana muller light special k mint bar (4.5) apple Dinner baked potato, beans, 42g cheese (a) salad 1/2 a treat size flake (2) highlights hot choc (1.5) fibre plus bar (b) 2 x gnt with clients (5)
  67. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - GREEN B'fast Porridge (b) milk (a) Lunch Home made leek and potato soup 2 slices ww bread (b) left over couscous with muller light and raspberries (no flake) apple Dinner Potato, tomato and broccoli bake 12oz/340g Potatoes 14oz/397g Broccoli 1 Onion 3 garlic Cloves 7oz/198g...
  68. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Good luck for WI. x
  69. cnicolaf

    FUNCURLS FOOD DIARY, BLOG and CHIT CHAT!! New target set!!

    But that is exactly why I admire you!!! :) You have a busy working and social life and have still got to target. It is all about choices and when you go out you always seem to try really hard to make the right choices without depriving yourself, and that is something I am trying to take on board...
  70. cnicolaf

    FUNCURLS FOOD DIARY, BLOG and CHIT CHAT!! New target set!!

    Just wanted to say a huge congratulations!!! Am delighted for you, well done and you got there still enjoying the odd night out and treat here and there just proves it can be done!!! You really are my SW inspiration. xxx
  71. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B'fast Porridge (28g) (b) milk (a) apple Lunch baked potato, beans and salad exl mayo (1) pineapple apple Dinner Casserole made with quorn meat balls, beans, tin tomatoes, carrot, celery onion, pepper and herbs mashed potato, green beans and cauliflower chocolate cous-cous...
  72. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 10 stones trying to get into the 9's??!!

    1lb on. :( 10 st 12lb again. Just got to stick at it I guess...
  73. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Really disappointed with the 1lb gain, I know is not a lot considering where I have come from at 13st but is annoying, only thing I can think is last week I stated having weight watchers bread as one of my HB's - maybe something to do with it, along with increase in syns - obviously. I need to...
  74. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - GREEN B'fast Weetabix with strawberries (b) mik (a) Lunch Carrot, parsnip, mush pea and cumin soup muller light apples x2 3 x scan bran (3) Dinner quorn spag bol made with, leek, onion, garlic, celery, carrot tomatoes and a pepper rice pudding made with water and 1/2 muller light
  75. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday - RED B'fast 2 x quorn sausages, egg, mushrooms, tomatoes, 2 slices ww bread (b), 2 bacon madalions (no fat) Lunch 5 x scan bran, with cottage cheese, extra light philly (2.5), baby gem, cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks 2 x large snack a jacks (4) treat size dairy milk (4) Pineapple 1/2...
  76. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    1lb on! :(
  77. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - GREEN B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) satsuma Lunch 2 slices ww wholemeal bread (b) beans, 2 x quorn sausages (2) apple, satsuma, raspberries Dinner Pasta bake with tomatoes, onion, peppers, mushrooms and quorn meatballs with cheese (a) treat size dairy milk (4) 3 mikado stick...
  78. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 10 stones trying to get into the 9's??!!

    Congrats on the loss!! I too am 5ft 6 and I have set my initial target at 10st 8lb as I was coming down from 13st, but of late I have been thinking of lowering it, but was unsure. I think 10st 3lb is a sensible target, depending on your frame etc... I have also been thinking what is a...
  79. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Woop!!!! Well Done!!!
  80. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - RED B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk (a) Lunch tuna with exl mayo (2) and salad either 2 slices of ww bread (b) to make an open sandwich apple muller light Dinner gammon steak cabbage, cauliflower broccoli and carrots 1/2 teaspoon low fat marg (0.5) muller light ovaltine light...
  81. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - GREEN B'fast 28g porridge oats soaked overnight in Muller light (b) with strawberries and raspberries Lunch left over minestrone soup apple muller light scan bran x 3 (3) 2 x satsuma Dinner mushy pea curry with peppers rice blackberries with low fat natural yog and m&s meringue...
  82. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 10 stones trying to get into the 9's??!!

    Following a disrupted week; 2 days off work out of my routine and 2 meals out etc I have lost 1.04lb taking me to 10.11lb, 3 more lbs till my target. Which amazes me, I never thought I would be able to lose 1 stone let alone over 2 stone on my own at home!! I have done it to date over 26 weeks...
  83. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B'fast 2 ww wholemeal bead toasted (b) scrapping light marg (1) baked beans Lunch home made minestrone soup apple pear muller light 2 x scan bran (2) Dinner Quorn spag bol and salad 42g low fat grated cheese (a) strawberries, raspberries with natural low fat yog 4 squares of...
  84. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - RED B'fast Weetabix with strawberries (b) milk (a) Lunch roasted butternut squash and chilli soup scan bran x 5 (b) apple muller light Dinner chicken with kfc salt, salad, sweet potato chips 1 ww wholemeal wrap (5) exl mayo (1) strawberries and low fat natural yog ovaltine light...
  85. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday - GREEN B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) 2 x quorn sauages 1 x egg 1 x ww wholewheat wrap (5 syns) apple Lunch 2 x ryvita with cottage cheese (low fat) (2) 1 biscuit (3) skinny latte carrotts Dinner mashed sweed and carrots, cabbage, new potatoes, peas and quorn breaded chicken...
  86. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday After another disrupted week 2 days off work out of my routine and 2 meals out etc I have lost 1.04lb taking me to 10.11lb, 3 more lbs till my target. Which amazes me, I never thought I would be able to lose 1 stone let alone over 2 stone on my own at home!! I have done it to date over...
  87. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday B'fast museli (b) with low fat natural yoghurt and raspberries melon, mango and pineapple 2 cadbury snack biscuits (6) Lunch 4 scan bran, 2 with primula light (a) and tomato, 2 with low fat cottage cheese and chive carott sticks muller light alpen light (either 3 1/2 or 1/2 b tbc)...
  88. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - another tbc off work to go to Doctors then shopping with my mum, probably have lunch out will aim for salad or baked potato B'fast weetabix (b) milk (a) Lunch Tomato salad (2 for oil) Chickpea and butternut squash cake served with spinach (5) 4 small squares of dark chocolate (6?)...
  89. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - Another not sure day as going home to see my Mum for a couple of days and were off to cinema and either, Zizzi, Prezzo or Pizza Express for dinner. I think EE B'fast weetabix with raspberries (b) milk (a) Lunch salad, 2 x boiled eggs muller light and raspberries apple 2 x ryvita...
  90. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - not sure if red or green yet depends on dinner B'fast Weetabix (b) milk (a) Lunch home made veg soup scan bran x 3 (3) muller light and raspberries apple In from work and had to rush out to meet our new nephew!!! He is perfect, both very excited to be An Auntie and Uncle for the 1st...
  91. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    oooh let me know what the cannelloni is like was reading that myself on the train this morning from the little freebie recipe book and thought that was one of the ones I'd like to try!
  92. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 10 stones trying to get into the 9's??!!

    Snap!! Well done!! Plenty of SF and SS and you will knock that 1.5 into touch no problem!! ;)
  93. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - RED B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) Lunch Home made veg soup 5 scan bran (b) with low fat cottage cheese and chive apple muller light pineapple Dinner roast gammon all fat removed mashed carrot and swede broccoli leeks and cabbage rice pudding made with water, sweeter and...
  94. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    ah thank you!
  95. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday - RED B'fast bacon tomaotes poached eggs x 2 pineapple bran crunchies (b) milk (a) Apple alpen light Lunch/dinner 3 x tiger prawns salad chicken, peppers, onion and chilli diced in a wrap (6) muller light with raspberries Hot choc made with skimmed milk (6) alpen light (b)
  96. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    thank you!!! amazed and excited!!
  97. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 10 stones trying to get into the 9's??!!

    Hi have spent 3 weeks under 11 so am tentatively hopeing after WI at 10.12.04 that I will continue to go downwards! So if you ladies will have me, I'd love to join you all!?
  98. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    So WI this morning = 10.12.4 so that is 1lb and 1oz off!!! I am 100% amazed!!! Was very much expecting a gain. But am haappy, happy, happy!! Going to try for a 100% good week this week as hate feeling guilty an annoyed with myself for over induldging.
  99. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    thank u x
  100. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday - tbc WI tomorrow as stayed at friends house last night so no scales. B'fast wholemeal bread (b) bacon all fat removed medalions egg - fry light Lunch bran crunchies (b) milk (a) pineapple fredo (6) Dinner salad homemade coleslaw (1) baked potatoe low fat cottage cheese with chive...
  101. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - Not sure going to friends for dinner so keeping the day 'free' depending on what I have tonight. B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk pinapple Lunch carrot, broccoli, butternut squash 2 x quorn burgers low fat cottage cheese - just found out this is free!!! woop!!! muller light and...
  102. cnicolaf

    The really slow loss team!

    Hiya please can I join you ladies? I am a -1, -0.5lb a week kind of gal too! Although lately I have been very, very bad and this week especially so, so I think I am just going to have to right it of off, prepare myself for a gain and try again harder next week. I don't know why I have been on...
  103. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - GREEN B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk Lunch large salad with couscous and 4 x ryvita (b) muller light apple raspberries Dinner pasta with peas, sugar snap peas, cabbage, leeks and onions philli light garlic and herb sauce with chicken oxo cube (2.5) alpen light (3.5) muller light...
  104. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - NEW DAY - BACK ON IT!!! B'fast 2 x boiled eggs Lunch chicken and salad apple x 2 muller light Dinner... Met a friend I had not seen in 5 years for dinner we had dimsum no idea of syns!! had wine also and then go home about 1am owing to crappy trains and ate a bourbon and I think...
  105. cnicolaf

    Help SYNS in Leon Sweat Potato Falafel Wrap??

    Thank you. Never mind. Line drawn underneath it. :(:break_diet:
  106. cnicolaf

    Help SYNS in Leon Sweat Potato Falafel Wrap??

    Can anyone help me work out the SYNS in this wrap? I was feeling sick this morning and not eaten anything without being sick and then just went to get some air and ended up eating a wrap :cry::cry::cry::cry: It was nice but I have a feeling it was about 27syns maybe 20 if healthy B is usable...
  107. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - RED B'fast weetabix milk pink grapefruit Lunch sweet potato falafel wrap - 27syns!!!!!!!!! crappy crap crap chocolate cake - good God knows what went on here was feeling rubbish and just fell off big time. never mind onwards an upwards Dinner alpen light quorn cottage pie with...
  108. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday - RED B'fast egg, mushroom, baby plum tomoatoes, tesco healthy bacon rounds strawberries and muller light Lunch alpen light x 2 muller light apple crunchy snack a jack curls (4.5) nice biscuit (2) Dinner chicken with spices salad exl mayo (0.5) alpen light (3.5) blackberries and...
  109. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    I quite like it with bit of sweetner and the fact you can haave a big bowl! Hope you enjoy it's benefits! ;)
  110. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    WI - so only 3oz on!!! Am 10.13.08!!! Lol so not even half a pound!!! I'll certainly take that!!! As long as doesn't catch up with me next week!!! x
  111. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    I have been very restrained/scared and not looked once!!! My jeans still fit so am trying to use that as a barometer and think happy thought!! ;)
  112. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    So WI in tomorrow after last weekends fun and frolics expecting a gain... but I think I am prepared to see about 11.3 on the scales, so will take a gain of 3.5lb on the chin!! Anything more than that I just know I will be gutted!!! But guess will find out tomorrow!!
  113. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - GREEN B'fast weetabix (b) milk strawberries pineapple Lunch left over muchy pea curry with salad apple muller light pineapple Dinner baked potato with baked bean and 3 baby belle light (a) 2 alpen light (b) 1 boubon (3.5) 1 choc biscuit (5)
  114. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Sorry to hear about your rubbish day. Least is a long weekend!! And looks like you didn't have much choice regarding what you could eat so don't beat yourself up! Am sure you'll make up for it else where!
  115. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - GREEN B'fast weetabix (b) milk (a) strawberries Lunch left over SW pasta quiche salad apple muller light In from work had a muller light and an alpen light (1/2 b) before going out to get my nails done, where the lady offered my a drink - and turned out to be tropical fruit juice...
  116. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Well done!!!! :D
  117. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - GREEN B'fast Weetabix (b) with strawberries Milk (a) Lunch SW pasta quiche, broccoli, sugar snap peas Salad pear classic fruit salad from m&s muller light mango and passion fruit (0.5) Apple snack a jack crunchy curls, sweet chilli kick flavour (4.5) - well worth the syns...
  118. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - Monday - booze, chocolate, all things bad!!!! Clean slate Tuesday!!! Although is not planned as yet because had nothing in the fridge so having to purchase as I go today!!! Although think dinner maybe mushy pea curry... Tuesday - GREEN B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk (a) Lunch M&S...
  119. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Hiya! I am back from a weekend in Ireland at a family wedding... have not been this tired in a loooonnng time!!! Weekend was 100% off plan, booze, chocolate, food, bread the lot!! But was a bloody fantastic weekend!! Did WI on Friday morning before the flight and was 10.13.5!!! So 1.5lb off...
  120. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - B'fast Bran crunchies (b) Milk (a) Fruit Salad Lunch Home made mushroom soup (v filling) Apple Plum Strawberries and muller light
  121. cnicolaf

    Chickadee's food diary.

    will have to look into them then...! x
  122. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - Extra Easy? B'fast Porridge soaked over night in a muller light with strawberries (b) So if I am doing it right, this will be my only HB option fro today?? Lunch Left over quorn, bean chilli with sf mushroom and tomatoes served with couscous apple muller light and strawberries...
  123. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Hey, I was exactly like that on Saturday, hence didn't really do my food diary properly... Chin up! And don't beat yourself up!
  124. cnicolaf

    Chickadee's food diary.

    Wow that is amazing! Can def see the difference in such a short space of time you must be thrilled!! Well done!:)
  125. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    Ok, I'm on board! Mine are... 1) Enure i write EVERYTHING down, as I eat it, not just what I think I've eaten!!! 2) Do my toning exercises EVERY evening! 3) Try to vary my meals and not stick to same old (maybe if I mix things will help!) 4) Try to stay at about 10 syns a day 5)...
  126. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) banana Lunch carrot and coriander home made soup 3 x scan bran (3) were nice dipped in the soup! apple muller light Apple Hifi Bar (b) quorn and bean chilli (1) rice philly (1) Muller light with pudding rice 1/2 an alpen light (2.5?)...
  127. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    Fab idea...will have a think about my 5...and update you later! x
  128. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    Hiya NumNum!! That sounds like a fab idea!!! What you thinking...??? x
  129. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    WI sts 11.04 - this 04 oz just wont shift!!! How I dream of seeing 10.13.5!!!! x
  130. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - GREEN B'fast porridge made with milk and water apple Lunch Salad with boiled egg Melon and strawberries apple Bourbon (3) exl mayo (2) baked potatoes (2 medium sized) beans 3 x baby belle light (a) Ovaltine light (1.5)
  131. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday - RED B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk (a) apple Lunch alpen light x 2 (b) 3 x scan bran with quark, ham, tomato and cucumber 1 nice biscuit (1) Dinner mashed swede and carrot runner bean broccoli steak melon and strawberries with natural low fat yog Ovaltine light (1.5) cho covered...
  132. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Yes indeed! Lets give it huge push this week!
  133. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) tropical fruit salad, kiwi, mango, pineapple, melon
  134. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Hiya, yes - sts, bit gutted but hey ho! Thanks for dropping by!
  135. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday - B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk (a) alpen light 2 x bourbon (4) Apple Fibre plus bar (b) cadbury snack biscuits (5) salt and vinegar sqaures (5) Dinner Steak mashed carott and sweede sugar snap peas muller light melon and grapes cadbury buttons (6) high syn day - but not had a...
  136. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday -GREEN B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) melon melody from m&s Lunch left over mushy pea curry with, courgette, bean, mushy peas, mushrooms, peppers and tomatoes cous-cous muller light left over pineapple apple Dinner Potato and Broccoli Bake 12oz/340g Potoates 14oz/397g Broccoli 1...
  137. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - GREEN B'fast Weetabix (b) Milk (a) Pineapple Lunch last of the left over pasta salad apple muller light banana pineapple Dinner Mushy Pea curry and rice mayo exl (0.5) muller light fibre plus bar (b) cadbury snack biscuits x 2 (5) Balisto Crunchy Biscuit (5)
  138. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - GREEN B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk (a) pineapple Lunch left over pasta (2.5) apple muller light Apple Dinner Baked Potato 2 x baby belle light (a) Beans Salad Home made coleslaw (2) Strawberries and muller light Chocolate (3) 1/2 a special K bar (2) horlicks light (1.5)
  139. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B'fast Weetabix (b) Milk (a) Mug Shot chicken noodle (f) Lunch 2 x hard boiled eggs salad muller light apple, grapes and melon Muller light Fiber Plus (b) Pineapple Wholewheat pasta with herb and garlic light philli, courgette, leeks and peas - recipe from this months mag...
  140. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thanks Emmaline - this last few lbs is proving tough though!!! Still will try to battle through them! :)
  141. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - GREEN B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk (a) Banana Fruit Salad 2 x scan bran (2) Lunch Salad 71g of chicken - (2nd B) exl mayo (1) Muller light Apple Fruit Salad Scan Bran x 2 (2 syns) Dinner Quorn and vegetable pie topped with butternut squash and smash mixture as was out of spuds...
  142. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday - RED B'fast Bran crunchies (b) Milk (a) 2 x quorn sausages (2) plum tomoatoes dry fry egg ketchup (1) Snack Alpen light (3.5) Apple Lunch/Dinner Roast turkey Roast butternut squash carrots broccoli cauliflower gravy (2) 3 x pieces of dairy milk (6) - the sooner this is all gone the...
  143. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    WI - lost the 1lb I put on last week - WI in at 11.04 - so annoying!!!!
  144. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday - GREEN B'fast Bran crunchies (b) Milk (A) 3 pieces of dairy milk (6) apple Lunch omlette with quorn chicken, mushrooms, peppers and onion salad exl mayo (1) apple muller light Hifi Bar (b) Dinner Sugar and Spice Chicken Curry (a) onion bahji x 3 (3) Sag Aloo 2 squares dairy milk...
  145. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    WI today - lost the lb I put on! but not alot else! WI at 11.04 so I guess if I were to round down that would be 1.5 off taking me to 11.00, am pleased as was worried wouldn't come off! x
  146. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday – GREEN B’fast Weetabix (b) Milk (a) Plum Apple Lunch Pasta quiche (1) with vegetables Salad with low fat dressing (1) Strawberries and raspberries with muller light Apple Plum Dinner quorn and veg spag boll 1 baby belle light (A) 2 pieces of dairy milk (4) muller light
  147. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    WI in tomorrow - has come round quick this week...been fighting temptation this week, real cravings for Dairy Milk!! But I resisted. Have had little piece of chocolate most evenings, but has been within my syns. Other than drinks with clients have not had any booze this week!! So that is a...
  148. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday – GREEN B’fast Bran Cruchies (b) Milk (a) Fruit salad Plum Lunch Pasta quiche – (2) Salad Muller light Raspberries Carrots Apple HiFi Bar (b) Spaghetti in tomato and chilli sauce with tiger prawns (a) Salad 5 x olives (5) Strawberries and raspberries with muller light Options...
  149. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Quick on = Quick off!!! x
  150. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday – GREEN B’fast Weetabix (b) Milk (a) Banana Lunch Pasta with quorn and veg spag bol Apple Muller light and raspberries Apple Dinner Quorn Chicken burgers (4) Katsu sauce (2) Rice Broccoli 2 x babybelle light Muller light frozen – yumyum Fibre Plus Bar (b) Chocolate (3)
  151. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday – GREEN B’fast Baked beans Lunch Salad 2 x boiled eggs Muller light with strawberries Apple Plums Carrot sticks Scan Bran x 3 Dinner Mushy Pea Curry Rice Broccoli and cauliflower Exl mayo (1) Alpen light x 2 (b) Scan Bran x 2 with sweetened quark (b) Apple Had to go out with...
  152. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Hiya! Pleased to see you had a fun week off!! Good luck getting back on it and with WI on Weds. x
  153. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday – GREEN B’fast Weetabix (b) Milk (a) Fruit salad Apple 2 x Plums Carrot Lunch Large salad and baby beetroot Low fat salad dressing (1) Apple Muller light Dinner Salad Baked potato Extra light mayo (1) with quark and garlic and herbs 2 x Baby belle light (a) Strawberries with natural...
  154. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Not sure what was going on this weekend, after my 1lb gain, although it was expected and planned owing to my catch up/celebration week was on a downward spiral all weekend just wanted chocolate and junk and lots of it. Think will take another week to get back on track... hey ho got to try to...
  155. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday – RED and high syn day/sabotage day!! Bran crunchies (b) Milk Alpen light Brunch 2 x quorn sausages (2) Tomatoes Mushrooms Poached egg Lunch ½ chicken with sauce (4) Salad Mushroom Choc coffee means (2) Choc mouse made with quark and mint choc highlight (1.5) Sacn Bran Apple Packed...
  156. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday – GREEN Bran crunchies Milk Beans 1 x quorn sausage (1) 1 x egg Chocolate buttons (6) Muller light Apple Quorn and Quark lasagne with salad Drinks – wine, gnt, cider, vodka and diet coke Left over lasagne and few of OH’s chips and chicken nugget
  157. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    1lb ON. Gutted but expected. Even though was expected after heavy week seeing friends and my famil was still disapointed...feel like I've lost my mojo a bit and is all feeling like a bit of an effort now...need a boost if I am going to get into the 10's by my cousin wedding 20th August...last...
  158. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    1lb ON. Gutted but expected. Even though was expected after heavy week was still disapointed...feel like I've lost my mojo a bit and is feeling like a bit of an effort now...need a boost if I am going to get into the 10's by my cousin wedding 20th August...last week I could see it easily now I...
  159. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - GREEN B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk (a) Banana Morning Snack Alpen light (1/2 b) Roast chicken mug shot (believe this is free on Green) Apple Lunch 2xquorn sausages (2) Baked beans carrots Apple Muller light Plum Alpen light (other 1/2 b) Plum Dinner - tbc...
  160. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Ah thanks for dropping by again! x I'm out again for 2 friends 30th birthdays tomorrow night!! Next week 100% back on track - no mid week drinking!! x :)
  161. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday – Red B’fast Bran Crunchies Milk Banana Fruit Salad Apple Lunch Chicken salad Dinner Cooked chicken Prawns Melon, Apple Omelette Plum tomatoes Baby belle light (a) Muller light Wine and soda x 8 I think!?? Had the afternoon off to see a friend over from Australia and few other...
  162. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - RED B'fast Boiled Egg 4 x scan bran with quark and ham (b) Lunch Tuna with 1 tbl spoon lighter than light mayo (1) salad and beetroot Tropical fruit salad Apple Alpen light (1/2 b) Dinner 1/2 slice ham while cooking Bassa baked to perfection chilli and lemon (4) carrots...
  163. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 10 stones trying to get into the 9's??!!

    Hi Ladies, just thought I would pop on and have a look that this thread as am really hoping to join you soon! WI last week was 11.05 so praying to see 10.13 at least this Saturday!! Although this is a tricky week as it was brothers birthday Monday so out for dinner, am meeting up with a friend...
  164. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday – GREEN B’fast Weetabitc (b) Milk (a) Banana Snack Apple 1 & ½ scan bran (1.5) Lunch Large salad About 5 whole beetroot – I believe are meant to be speed foods! Dressing (1) Low fat yog Apple Dinner Mushy pea curry with vegtables Rice Strawbs and low fat natural yog Ovaltine light...
  165. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - not sure maybe EE!!? - As predicted was tricky and went over syns but made the most sensible choices I could give that we were celebrating! Going to be 100% today and tomorrow as off work again Thursday afternoon for lunch and drinks. Could soooo do with out being social!!!! I doubt I...
  166. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    So this week is going to be a tough one... Today is my brothers birthday and I am taking the afternoon off to meet him for lunch and a few drinks in the West End, then this evening I am going back to my parents with him and we are going out for dinner...then Thursday I am meeting up with a...
  167. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday – RED B’fast 2 x quorn sausages Plum tomatoes Dry fried egg Bran crunchies (b) Milk (a) Apple 2 x alpen light (b) Lunch @ Nandos ½ chicken Large salad Apple 2 x scan bran (2) Quark and ham Muller light Dinner Won ton soup (6?) Stir fry mixed vegtable (2) Raspberries and blackberries...
  168. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday - RED B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk Bran crunchies (b) milk Lunch chicken salad at Pizza express with no dressing 2 x bread sticks (4?) Fibre Plus Bar (5.5) Muller light carrot, cherry tomatoes, cucumber apple chicken pieces Was at OH's aunts birthday do last night - food was...
  169. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    WI - 1.5lb off, 11.05... nearly into the 10's!!!! Nearly there!!!
  170. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - RED B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk (a) melon salad banana Lunch scan bran x 5 (b) quark with fry light dressing 2 x quorn sausages (1) salad carrot sticks apple muller light Dinner Sugar and Spice Kit - chicken Jalfrazi Sugar and Spice Kit - onion bhajis (3) vegtable curry 2 table...
  171. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    1.5 off - taking me to 11.05. 1lb to come off more and I'll hello 10's!!! (I hope) but sad to leave you lovely ladies. Every hopeful... xx
  172. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    Try the Fibre Plus Bars - very chocolatey and a HB!!
  173. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - THURSDAY B'fast weetabix (b) milk (a) banana Lunch large salad 2 hard boiled eggs carrots sticks 5 scan bran (b) raspberries and muller light 1 scan bran (1) 1 biscuit with marshmallow topping (not sure 2??) Tropical fruit salad from m&S, pineapple, mango, melon Dinner quorn...
  174. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    I am not sure, didn't try it on in the end last night, but if worst comes to worst, will see if I exchange it for a smaller size in John Lewis...
  175. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Well done on your loss hun - don't forget slow n steady is good means will stay off in the long run!! x
  176. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - GREEN B’fast Bran crunchies (b) Strawberries Milk (a) Banana 2 x alpen light (b) Lunch Pasta and sauce with added tin of cherry tomatoes and mushrooms for SSF Muller light with raspberries Apple Plum 1 x scan bran (1) Dinner – went to my parents for the night Baked potato...
  177. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B’fast Weetabix (b) Banana Milk (a) Snack Apple Carrots 2 x scan bran Lunch Salad large Quark with fry light salad dressing 4 Scan Bran (b) and (1) Muller light and raspberries 2 pieces of chicken Fibre Plus Bar (5.5) Plum Dinner Mushy pea curry rice mayo extra light (1)...
  178. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - RED B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk banana Alpen light (3.5) apple Lunch salad with chicken tikka pieces raspberries with muller light apple plum Fiber plus bar (b) Dinner haddock birds eye baked to perfection (4) carrots, broccoli, cauliflower Ham slices x 2 plums chopped with...
  179. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday - RED B'fast Bran curnchies (b) milk 2 x quorn sausages Bran crunchies (b) milk Nice biscuit (1) plum WW roast chicken flavor crisps (4) Lunch roast gammon cauliflower broccoli carrots 2 x stuffing balls (4) WW choc mouse made with semi skimmed milk and berries (2) Tea 2 bolied...
  180. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thanks hun - yes I am esp after my gain and sts last week! really chuffed. Defo not looking at scales all week again! the scan bran is ok with a topping and so worth it!! x
  181. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday - RED B'fast Bran crunchies milk strawberries Lunch chicken drumstick - bbq carrot sticks, cucumber, peppers Dinner egg quorn sausages x 2 Wine - lost count! was at a friends house warming bbq olives x 2 peanuts
  182. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    It's from a SW lady who does spice kits; Blog: Twitter: They are about £1.50, I bought a few only tried that one so far but v tasty! x
  183. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    3.8lbs off!!! scan bran, bran crunchies and superfree food are my new best friends!!! 11.2 today - come on 10's I can taste you!!!
  184. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - GREEN B'fast Bran Crunchies (B) milk (a) banana Snack Alpen light (3.5) Lunch left over pasta with salad rasberries and muller light apple Snack Fibre Plus (b) Dinner eggs x 2, quorn burgers x 2 (1) mushrooms, beans mayo and ketchup (2) 2 x plums muller light Few peanuts and...
  185. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    WI = 3.8lb off!!!!!!!! 11.2 now - nearly insight of the 10's!!!! So pleased - feel I was 100% this week and that the extra super free fruit and bran crunchies/scan bran defo helped. Really would love to see 2.5lb off next week to take me to 10.13.5!!!! x
  186. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - GREEN B'fast Bran Crunchies (b) milk (a) Banana apple Lunch Pasta with homemade sauce and veg with few quorn pieces apple weetabix oaty bat (3.5) plum Snack Apple In from work had bowl of Bran Crunchies (B) as was going out to get my nails done!! Dinner Sugar and Spice kit mix...
  187. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Good girl!! ;) Have had a good week on plan and must admit think the introduction of the Kellogs Bran Crunchies and few more days with Scan Bran has actually helped - although proof will be in the WI!! Am sure next Weds you'll see at least a 2lb loss after your mini 1/2 on - that am sure...
  188. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - RED B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk (a) banana Snack Satsuma weetabix oaty bar (3.5) Lunch Cooked chicken pieces sald mayo and dressing (2) 4 x scan bran (b) raspberries and low far yog Plum Dinner cod and prawn thai fishcakes (1) cauliflower and spinach, butternut squash SW...
  189. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Right - I have not weighed myself at all this week and am not going to until Saturday, usually I step on the scales every morning and after my STS and gain over the past 2 weeks I am trying to just stay focused on following SW properly. I think I have lost more inches of late even though I have...
  190. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk banana Apple Lunch Salad with 2 boiled eggs 5 x scan bran (b) extra light mayo mixed with few sprays of the frylight salad dressing v tasty (2) plum raspberries with muller light Dinner Mushy pea curry rice weetabix oaty bar (3.5) Ovaltine...
  191. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - GREEN B'fast porridge (b) made with half milk and water Snack apple weetabix oaty bar (3.5) Lunch mushroom soup with potato, garlic, herbs and chicken bovil stock apple muller light alpen light (3) Bran crunchies (b) milk Dinner Quorn chicken and vegetable stir fry SW egg fried...
  192. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Yeah, that is what is says in my books - although they are a few years old. End of the day snacking on apples etc must be better that crisps and chocolate!!!!
  193. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    I have read on one of the Facebook SW sites that super free should be vegetables only, not fruit... is this true does anyone know??? I eat a lot of fruit usually at least 3 apples, strawberries and 1 other piece of fruit in a day thought I was being good!!
  194. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    Thanks Shivvy - will give it another go, have tried it before and didn't do too much for me... but willing to try anything got 5lbs that just wont shift!! x
  195. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    STS - need to speed things up a bit, but not sure what else to do.... x
  196. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday RED B'fast bran crunchies 2 x quorn sausages 1 egg ketchup (1) banana Apple Lunch 5 x can bran (b) with quark, ham, cucumber, peppers and tomato carrots muller light Dinner chicken breast with herbs and garlic butternut squash, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower natural low fat yog...
  197. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday - RED WI - STS rubbish. B'fast Bran crunchies (b) milk 2 x quorn sausages 1 egg ketchup (1) Snack bran crunchies (b) milk alpen light (3.5) apple Lunch chicken and salad 3 of OH chips (3??) Wheatabix oaty bar (3.5) Scan bran with quark, ham and cherry tomatoes (2) Dinner chicken...
  198. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    FRIDAY RED B'fast 1/2 melon low fat natural yog alpen light bar (1/2 b) Lunch salad, tuna, extra light mayo (2) muller light apple Snack alpen light (other half b) apple Dinner pork noodle soup - left most of noodles Drunken after night out with girls snack 1 dry fry egg quorn sausage...
  199. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - GREEN B'fast bran crunchies (b) milk alpen light (1/2 b) Snack apple alpen light (other 1/2 b) Lunch left over pasta quiche salad apple muller light 2 quorn chicken bites Dinner - random dinner waiting for tesco man to deliver!! 2 x quorn sausages (2) 1 egg mushrooms beans smash...
  200. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Hiya 888sally888! It is rather tasty and free on Green! Basically any packet and sauce pasta - I used tesco own brand tomato, prepare as per packet, mix in some veg if you like, I threw in some asparagus and mixed peppers. thoroughly mix 1 tub of quark, 3 eggs, herbs, garlic, salt and...
  201. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - GREEN B'fast Bran crunchies (b) my new fav!!! milk Snack apple 2 x alpen light (b) Lunch Pasta quiche with veg salad apple muller light Apple Dinner Quorn chicken burgers (4) katsu curry sauce with rice broccoli muller light Ovaltine (1.5) Fiber plus bar (5.5) milky bar...
  202. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Wooop!!!!!! :) Well done hun!!!! Awesome loss!!! You must the thrilled! V pleased for you. xx :)
  203. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B'fast mushroom omelette tomato ketchup (1) Snack apple alpen light x 2 (b) Lunch salad quorn chicken apple muller light Apple Dinner Mushy pea curry and rice muller light
  204. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    It is syned by glass I am afraid!! (as far as I am aware) Have you ever tried the WW wine? Kind of never though was worth it - if you are going to have a glass of wine, may as well be one you like! Enjoy your week off work! x
  205. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - GREEN B'fast wheatabix with chopped banana (b) milk (a) Apple Lunch left over green veg risotto salad muller light apple Snack 3 x ryvita (5 syns I think?) apple Dinner quorn butternut squash shepherds pie melted babybelle light (a) broccoli and cauliflower Kelloggs fiber plus...
  206. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday - GREEN Wheatbix (B) milk (a) 2 new style quorn sausages with cheese (2) 1 dry fried egg Snack muller light apple Lunch mixed green veg rissotto - broad beans, pea, asparagus, broccoli, onion, spinach and some random sweetcorn! 1/2 teaspoon parmigiana muller light apple Snack 2 x...
  207. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday - RED B'fast Wheat Bran Crunchies (b) Milk (a) apple Snack slice ham Lunch Mushroom and ham omlette apple muller light Dinner Steak with salad mayo (1) muller light chocolate (2) white wine (4)
  208. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    Put on 1lb...hey ho, that'll be my Mum's birthday Cupcake and wine... come on I can aim for 2lb off this week!!!!!!
  209. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Well done only having 3 glasses of Rose!!! I couldn't have stopped at that!! x
  210. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Hiya - weekend was okish food wise although was mega craving chocolate! Never good. How was yours? Not looked at your diary yet. I put on 1lb :cry::cry::cry: - but was expecting it as was out for my Mum's birthday and had wine and cake!!! And all those cocktails last weekend! So on wards and...
  211. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    WI tomorrow - expecting a gain for 1st time in a while... :-( hey ho, it was my mum's birthday and I had cake and wine!! But we shall see... x
  212. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Enjoy the BBQ this weekend - I do Red days when BBQing! Just means I avoid the potato salad etc! But means can eat alot of salad and BBQ food, also the quorn burgers actualy taste just like regular burgers - even my boyfriend thought so and he hates the quorn sausages! x
  213. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - GREEN B'fast 2 poached eggs banana apple Lunch left over bean, lentil, pasta soup stew thing! fruit tray from m&s - pinapple, melons and grapes low fat m&s yog - simliar to the muller lights Dinner 2xquorn sausages baked beans with worcester sauce satsuma melon and pinapple apple...
  214. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Ah thanks marmaduke! The egg and sausage loaf is bascially; 2 quorn sausages grilled then cut into stripes what ever veg you like, onion, peppers, peas, mushrooms, brocoli and mixed herbs lightly fried in fry light for few mins then line the bottom of a loaf tin with the sausages and...
  215. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - GREEN B'fast alpen (b) with low fat yog and chopped banana Snack apple Lunch bean, vegetable, lentil and pasta - was meant to be soup but turned out more like a stew!! apple muller light Snack apple Dinner - Mum's Birthday dinner at Prezzo Their low cal spicy tomato pasta with...
  216. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Hiya, so you STS...BUT that means you DID NOT put ON!!!! So well done!!!!! Give yourself a little credit for that!! You still have to enjoy yourself and sometime life ie * gets in the way! So just keep at it! I love my Green/Red days I feel like I know where I am, but that is not to say EE isn't...
  217. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday - GREEN B'fast wheatbix with chopped banana (b) milk (a) Snack 2 x alpen light bars (b) apple Lunch salad 2 quorn sausages (the old version so still free) ketchup (1) apple muller light Snack necterine Dinner potato and broccoli bake (delicious and very filling SW recipe, made...
  218. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - RED B'fast alpen (b) milk (a) banana Snack apple alpen light (1/2 b) Lunch 2 x quorn burgers (1) salad muller light apple Snack alpen light (other 1/2 b) necterine Dinner chicken breast stuffed with quark, low fat fromage frais, herbs, garlic and cherry tomatoes butternut squash...
  219. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    Mmmm let me know how the FERRERO ROCHER taste! They sound dreamy-dreamy!!! x
  220. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Haha!! Thanks hun...yes we had a good one, went into town after bbq and ended up in a club...though apparently I was heard slurring at about 2am 'slim-line tonic, it has to be slim-line tonic!!!' (this was after several non slimline cosmos and various other random things of the cocktail list!!! ;) x
  221. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday GREEN B'fast 2 x quorn sausages tin plum tomatoes poached egg Lunch baked potato slice of ham (a) coleslaw (2) salad Dinner quorn spag boll with veg salad strawbs with low fat fromage frais Choc (3)
  222. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday - GREENish B'fast shredded wheat bitesize (b) milk (a) Snack banana necterine hifi bar (b) Lunch and Dinner BBQ - 2 x quorn sausages with branston pickle filling (4) 2 x quorn burgers 1 slice low fat plastic cheese salad Strawbs and muller light Drinks - can't really recall but no...
  223. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - GREEN B'fast alpen (b) low fat yog pink grapefruit Snack 2 x alpen light apple Lunch left over egg and quorn sausage loaf salad muller light apple Snack 2 x ryvita (3 syns) Dinner green veg risotto 2 x quorn chicken burgers (4)
  224. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thanks - good luck hun! x
  225. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    WI = 1.5 off!!! So now 11.3 and 1/2 - dare I start to think the 10's are actually in sight?? EEk!! x
  226. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    1.5 off!!! delighted!!! x
  227. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - GREEN B'fast alpen (b) low fat natural yog pink grapefruit Snack 2 x alpen light bars (b) apple Lunch other 1/2 off egg loaf with salad apple muller light Snack 2 x ryvita (3 syns) Dinner Green veg rissotto 2 x quorn chicken burgers (4 syns) small hifi bar (3) Choc (3)
  228. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    Hi Jane Good luck with the start of your SW journey! Yes, I have seen some of the videos on You Tube for SW, some of them are quite good! I also find some of the SW facebook pages really useful, there is one run by a lady who calls herself 'Diet Momma' and is brilliant - she has gone...
  229. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    WI in tomorrow - hoping for a 1lb loss - nothing more, nothing less!!! Not sure though as sneaky peek on scales suggesting STS!! We shall see what the morning brings!! X
  230. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - GREEN B'fast alpen light with natural low fat you (a) and (b) banana Lunch egg loaf with quorn sausages and vegetables salad muller light apple alpen light bar Snack apple alpen light bar Dinner mushypea curry with rice muller light butterscotch hifi bar (3) chocolate (2.5)
  231. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - was going to be RED but had to go for drinks with clients so had a quick easy dinner when I got in at 10 last night. So was kind of a red/free day! B'fast bitesize shredded wheat (b) milk (a) banana Lunch tuna with 2 tsp mayo (2 syns) large salad muller light apple Snack Hifi...
  232. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    It is and tastes just the same, good when you're craving something more syn-ful! Yeah serves 2, we've made it for friends before and stretch to 4 but were slightly smaller portions. X
  233. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    My boyfriend always makes this and is totally delicious! :) • Fry light • 1 onion, peeled and chopped • 5 whole garlic cloves, peeled • 2 carrots, peeled and chopped • 1-2tbsp plain flour (1 syn) • 1tbsp medium curry powder (or more to taste) • 600ml chicken Bovril stock • 2tsp honey...
  234. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    We all have days like that! Don't worry!! And as long as you enjoyed yourself don't beat yourself up about it! Admittedly easier said than done sometimes! ;) But how dull would life be without the odd indulgence - hey! Good luck tonight. X
  235. cnicolaf

    Slim4ever the SW Way

    You getting back on it ok after the weekends fun!!? x
  236. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Tuesday- GREEN B'fast alpen light (b) milk (a) banana Lunch left over pasta bean spag with large salad muller light cherry choc layer (2 syns) wasn't all that keen - wont buy them again! apple Snack apple Hifi bar (b) Dinner quorn chicken katsu curry (4 syns) - quron chicken, (1 syn) home...
  237. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Monday - GREEN B'fast whetabix (b) milk banana Lunch left over spag bol with added tine of mixed bean salad (ss all the way!!) muller light apple hifi bar (1/2 b) Snack apple alpen light bar (other 1/2 b) Dinner 2 x quorn beef burgers (1 syn) salad boiled butternut squash and 3 new potatoes...
  238. cnicolaf

    FUNCURLS FOOD DIARY, BLOG and CHIT CHAT!! New target set!!

    Hee hee he!!! It's just good to know that you can still enjoy yourself and shift the lbs!!! :) Girl after my own heart!!! ;) xx
  239. cnicolaf

    FUNCURLS FOOD DIARY, BLOG and CHIT CHAT!! New target set!!

    Good luck with WI - I enjoy reading you diary, you have done so well. Inspirational. xxx
  240. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Sunday - GREEN B'fast alpen (b) with milk - diy skimmed as my brother only had whole milk so had 1/3 milk 2/3 water muller light banana Lunch 2x quorn sausages 2 x poached eggs tinned cherry tomatoes fruit salad with berries and nectarine Hifi Bar (b) Snack vegetable sushi from m&S - not sure...
  241. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Saturday B'fast Alpen with natural low fat yog apple Snack apple alpen light (b) Lunch Muller light apple ryvita x 2 slice of ham chocolate (3) Dinner - Brothers 40th Birthday synful but tried to take the best options... grilled prawns x 2 chicken in vegetable sauce mushrooms 2 x...
  242. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Friday - RED B'fast Wheatabix (b) Milk (a) Lunch quorn sausage and veg table omlette apple x 2 muller light 2x alpen light Dinner homemade thai fish cakes with cod and prawns salad butternut squash SW chips strawberries and natural low fat yog Ovaltine light (1.5) chocolate (3)
  243. cnicolaf

    Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

    Another -1lb, slow n steady wins the race, right!!??? x
  244. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Thursday - GREEN B'fast omlette cherry tomatoes Snack apple alpen light (1/2 b) Lunch pasta and vegtable salad muller light apple 4 ryvita (b) Dinner 2xquorn sausages, plumb tomatoes, potatoes and onions, baked beans and 1 egg quark, fromage frais and 1 white choc options 'mouse' (1.5 syns)...
  245. cnicolaf

    Proper Food Diary Starting Now!!

    Wednesday - RED B'fast alpen light (b) milk Lunch tuna with mayo 1 tablespoon mayo extra light salad Muller light necterine apple Snack apple alpen light bar (3 syns) Dinner chicken stuffed with garlic, herbs and chicken spinach sauce butternut squash SW chips salad 1 teaspoon mayo (1 syn)...