Susie and Orbit's daily dribble

You at work today, Jimbo? Hope it goes quickly :)

Feel like I've been sitting on the couch for days - but when it's yucky outside, there's not much to tempt me out :)
I am in today Susie, but off tomorrow until the 4th.
Grey and overcast here too Susie, but not foggy thank goodness, just been for a good (muddy as hell) walk with dogbert - he was overjoyed to be off lead and running amok! Now wiped down and snoozing on the sofa beside me. Been to market and picked up a supply of flax so I don't run out. Trying very hard to be good today, had my porridge and some home cooked ham and slices of german sausage so far. Have a savoy cabbage to make something for dinner - probably rest of leftover ham and german sausage!
Mmmm sounds good - I just had lovely lamb with lettuce, wish it wasn't so expensive, I'd have it every day if I could!

Just had the most hilarious call from a good friend in OZ, she had had a few (loads) drinks and was very sweet - but very funny! :)
How lovely Suse... I love the randomness of drunken phone calls in a different time zone! x
Yes, half of the call was her telling me how much she loves me and demanding that I go back to Oz to live - bless :) Can't wait until she's sober and I can remind her hehe
Well that has to one of the worst night's sleeps I've had in ages - bed at 11, awake from 2-7am, then 2 hour's sleep and the weirdest dreams (I was an astronaut...go figure). Since then the phone has been tinkling away, with mates from o/s ringing, all happy and cheerful and me barely able to form a coherent sentence. Ugghhh.

Going to have a nap on the sofa, then wander out to Tescos and see how mad it is.

Hope you're all having a good day so far :)
Aw Susie that's rubbish. Hope you get a lovely nap now - turn the phone off for a couple of hours!
Mmmm will do, hun. Would you believe the birds round here start chirruping away at 2am? Think it must be all the lights at the Tesco next door that fools them...
OMG - nightmare for a bad sleeper! Poor you. x

What about hypnosis - even a Paul McKenna cd or something???
I might look into hypnosis actually, thanks for the suggestion.

Just went to Tesco - mayhem! And someone has put mini vol au vents in my shopping :eek:

Will snooze this afternoon, hopefully! :D
Afternoon all

Hope you're all well and survived the NYE hangover :)

I've just had a thought - had BOILING hot feet the night before last and yesterday I knew I was back in ketosis (smelly wee pee-eww) - do you think there's a connection? I thought the hot feet were to do with menopause but perhaps it's Atkins?

I'm also having to take extra potassium tablets to stop restless leg - must be washing it out with all the water :)
Wow - brilliant to be back in ketosis right at the start of the new year Susie. :) No idea about the hot feet - I used to get that when I was pregnant though, so maybe it is hormonal? :confused:
Hormones have a lot to answer for! LOL.

But just to be absolutely clear - I'm not in the family way! Not unless you're into immaculate conception :D
LOL Linzi! I would love an electric blanket - OH won't have them about the house!