Ewww to the spider Tracy!
Afternoon all
Sorry to keep you in suspense but had the day from hell so far...anyhoooooo....some of you here know and some don't, that in a previous job, a senior manager became very friendly with me, then flirty, then extremely flirty (kissing goodnight almost on the lips after an evening at the pub - of which there were many), indicated that he wanted to take it further, etc, made it really obvious to everyone at work that he fancied me (and apparently had separated from his wife) - but then anytime I tried to initiate anything like a proper kiss, he would pull back - or in one memorable case, recoil and say "no no no!". I really fell hard for this guy so was pretty upset about the whole will he/won't he thing for a bit (OK now

Anyway, I left, tried to keep in touch, he never replied - and now it appears (if the gossip is correct) that he has been having an affair with his boss, the head of Legal Services, whose marriage has broken up as a result! But wait, there's more...her (ex) husband has filed a complaint saying Lover Boy (the name we gave him at work) should never have got his job and his ex-wife should be investigated for appointing him!!!
Classic stuff - and I am very pleased that I am well out of it! Couldn't happen to a nicer person, eh?
How's everyone today, aside from f-off spiders?